/** @license
* SoundManager 2: JavaScript Sound for the Web
* ----------------------------------------------
* http://schillmania.com/projects/soundmanager2/
* Copyright (c) 2007, Scott Schiller. All rights reserved.
* Code provided under the BSD License:
* http://schillmania.com/projects/soundmanager2/license.txt
* V2.97a.20130512
/*global window, SM2_DEFER, sm2Debugger, console, document, navigator, setTimeout, setInterval, clearInterval, Audio, opera */
/*jslint regexp: true, sloppy: true, white: true, nomen: true, plusplus: true, todo: true */
* About this file
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This is the fully-commented source version of the SoundManager 2 API,
* recommended for use during development and testing.
* See soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin.js for an optimized build (~11KB with gzip.)
* http://schillmania.com/projects/soundmanager2/doc/getstarted/#basic-inclusion
* Alternately, serve this file with gzip for 75% compression savings (~30KB over HTTP.)
* You may notice <d> and </d> comments in this source; these are delimiters for
* debug blocks which are removed in the -nodebug builds, further optimizing code size.
* Also, as you may note: Whoa, reliable cross-platform/device audio support is hard! ;)
(function(window, _undefined) {
"use strict";
var soundManager = null;
* The SoundManager constructor.
* @constructor
* @param {string} smURL Optional: Path to SWF files
* @param {string} smID Optional: The ID to use for the SWF container element
* @this {SoundManager}
* @return {SoundManager} The new SoundManager instance
function SoundManager(smURL, smID) {
* soundManager configuration options list
* defines top-level configuration properties to be applied to the soundManager instance (eg. soundManager.flashVersion)
* to set these properties, use the setup() method - eg., soundManager.setup({url: '/swf/', flashVersion: 9})
this.setupOptions = {
'url': (smURL || null), // path (directory) where SoundManager 2 SWFs exist, eg., /path/to/swfs/
'flashVersion': 8, // flash build to use (8 or 9.) Some API features require 9.
'debugMode': true, // enable debugging output (console.log() with HTML fallback)
'debugFlash': false, // enable debugging output inside SWF, troubleshoot Flash/browser issues
'useConsole': true, // use console.log() if available (otherwise, writes to #soundmanager-debug element)
'consoleOnly': true, // if console is being used, do not create/write to #soundmanager-debug
'waitForWindowLoad': false, // force SM2 to wait for window.onload() before trying to call soundManager.onload()
'bgColor': '#ffffff', // SWF background color. N/A when wmode = 'transparent'
'useHighPerformance': false, // position:fixed flash movie can help increase js/flash speed, minimize lag
'flashPollingInterval': null, // msec affecting whileplaying/loading callback frequency. If null, default of 50 msec is used.
'html5PollingInterval': null, // msec affecting whileplaying() for HTML5 audio, excluding mobile devices. If null, native HTML5 update events are used.
'flashLoadTimeout': 1000, // msec to wait for flash movie to load before failing (0 = infinity)
'wmode': null, // flash rendering mode - null, 'transparent', or 'opaque' (last two allow z-index to work)
'allowScriptAccess': 'always', // for scripting the SWF (object/embed property), 'always' or 'sameDomain'
'useFlashBlock': false, // *requires flashblock.css, see demos* - allow recovery from flash blockers. Wait indefinitely and apply timeout CSS to SWF, if applicable.
'useHTML5Audio': true, // use HTML5 Audio() where API is supported (most Safari, Chrome versions), Firefox (no MP3/MP4.) Ideally, transparent vs. Flash API where possible.
'html5Test': /^(probably|maybe)$/i, // HTML5 Audio() format support test. Use /^probably$/i; if you want to be more conservative.
'preferFlash': true, // overrides useHTML5audio. if true and flash support present, will try to use flash for MP3/MP4 as needed since HTML5 audio support is still quirky in browsers.
'noSWFCache': false, // if true, appends ?ts={date} to break aggressive SWF caching.
'idPrefix': 'sound' // if an id is not provided to createSound(), this prefix is used for generated IDs - 'sound0', 'sound1' etc.
this.defaultOptions = {
* the default configuration for sound objects made with createSound() and related methods
* eg., volume, auto-load behaviour and so forth
'autoLoad': false, // enable automatic loading (otherwise .load() will be called on demand with .play(), the latter being nicer on bandwidth - if you want to .load yourself, you also can)
'autoPlay': false, // enable playing of file as soon as possible (much faster if "stream" is true)
'from': null, // position to start playback within a sound (msec), default = beginning
'loops': 1, // how many times to repeat the sound (position will wrap around to 0, setPosition() will break out of loop when >0)
'onid3': null, // callback function for "ID3 data is added/available"
'onload': null, // callback function for "load finished"
'whileloading': null, // callback function for "download progress update" (X of Y bytes received)
'onplay': null, // callback for "play" start
'onpause': null, // callback for "pause"
'onresume': null, // callback for "resume" (pause toggle)
'whileplaying': null, // callback during play (position update)
'onposition': null, // object containing times and function callbacks for positions of interest
'onstop': null, // callback for "user stop"
'onfailure': null, // callback function for when playing fails
'onfinish': null, // callback function for "sound finished playing"
'multiShot': true, // let sounds "restart" or layer on top of each other when played multiple times, rather than one-shot/one at a time
'multiShotEvents': false, // fire multiple sound events (currently onfinish() only) when multiShot is enabled
'position': null, // offset (milliseconds) to seek to within loaded sound data.
'pan': 0, // "pan" settings, left-to-right, -100 to 100
'stream': true, // allows playing before entire file has loaded (recommended)
'to': null, // position to end playback within a sound (msec), default = end
'type': null, // MIME-like hint for file pattern / canPlay() tests, eg. audio/mp3
'usePolicyFile': false, // enable crossdomain.xml request for audio on remote domains (for ID3/waveform access)
'volume': 100 // self-explanatory. 0-100, the latter being the max.
this.flash9Options = {
* flash 9-only options,
* merged into defaultOptions if flash 9 is being used
'isMovieStar': null, // "MovieStar" MPEG4 audio mode. Null (default) = auto detect MP4, AAC etc. based on URL. true = force on, ignore URL
'usePeakData': false, // enable left/right channel peak (level) data
'useWaveformData': false, // enable sound spectrum (raw waveform data) - NOTE: May increase CPU load.
'useEQData': false, // enable sound EQ (frequency spectrum data) - NOTE: May increase CPU load.
'onbufferchange': null, // callback for "isBuffering" property change
'ondataerror': null // callback for waveform/eq data access error (flash playing audio in other tabs/domains)
this.movieStarOptions = {
* flash 9.0r115+ MPEG4 audio options,
* merged into defaultOptions if flash 9+movieStar mode is enabled
'bufferTime': 3, // seconds of data to buffer before playback begins (null = flash default of 0.1 seconds - if AAC playback is gappy, try increasing.)
'serverURL': null, // rtmp: FMS or FMIS server to connect to, required when requesting media via RTMP or one of its variants
'onconnect': null, // rtmp: callback for connection to flash media server
'duration': null // rtmp: song duration (msec)
this.audioFormats = {
* determines HTML5 support + flash requirements.
* if no support (via flash and/or HTML5) for a "required" format, SM2 will fail to start.
* flash fallback is used for MP3 or MP4 if HTML5 can't play it (or if preferFlash = true)
'mp3': {
'type': ['audio/mpeg; codecs="mp3"', 'audio/mpeg', 'audio/mp3', 'audio/MPA', 'audio/mpa-robust'],
'required': true
'mp4': {
'related': ['aac','m4a','m4b'], // additional formats under the MP4 container
'type': ['audio/mp4; codecs="mp4a.40.2"', 'audio/aac', 'audio/x-m4a', 'audio/MP4A-LATM', 'audio/mpeg4-generic'],
'required': false
'ogg': {
'type': ['audio/ogg; codecs=vorbis'],
'required': false
'opus': {
'type': ['audio/ogg; codecs=opus', 'audio/opus'],
'required': false
'wav': {
'type': ['audio/wav; codecs="1"', 'audio/wav', 'audio/wave', 'audio/x-wav'],
'required': false