Dark Tropics

Niamh Bury.
10 recommended new Irish songs this week

Featuring: Shiv, Niamh Bury, Anamoe Drive, Eamon Harkin, GNS, Boyfrens, Winemom, Mr Myth, Dark Tropics, lxverboy, The New York Salsa Company

12 new Irish songs you should hear this week

With David Keenan, Junior Brother, Kormac, Jack O’Rourke, Dark Tropics, Vernon Jane, Maeve, ROOUE, ZOiD, Inni-K, Shadeemus, Katie Phelan, Zuchley, Archy Moor, Mild.

12 new songs from Irish artists you should hear

Featuring new music from Offica, Rooue, Fizzy Orange, Dark Tropics, Papa Romeo, Chósta, Whozyerman?, VJ Jackson, Air Jackson, Ṣelu, Celaviedemai, SVEN & IMLÉ.

7 new Irish songs from emerging artists you should hear

New music from Dark Tropics, Lucy Gaffney, Travi The Native, Paper Clap, Synthia Nixon, Lydia Ford ,Sara + Greg Tisdall.