Fucked Up

The Nialler9 Weekly Dublin Gig Guide

Skip to day: Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri | Sat | Sun |…

Listen to album streams from Black Lips, Fucked Up, White Denim, Cults, Arctic Monkeys…

The best of recent album streams in A-Z. Plenty more in the Album Streams category.…

Video: Fucked Up – ‘Year of the Ox’ feat. Duchess Says

I posted this a while back but now it’s embedabble so it’s worth a few…

Fucked Up / Duchess Says super session

 This Bande Ápart session is too awesome not to mention. Canadian bands Duchess Says and…

SXSW 2010: The Middle East, SoKo, She & Him, Fucked Up, Marina & more

With the Patrick’s Day madness over, Thursday saw lines outside venues a little bit more…

Vampire Punk

I wouldn’t have had Ezra from Vampire Weekend down for a punk but he proves…