10 best new Irish tracks of the week

Featuring Niamh Bury, Bobby Basil, Ugolino, Sharkett, Shee, 49th & Main, Lar Kaye, Maria Kelly, Really Good Time, Cable Boy, Good Company.

12 new Irish songs to hear this week

Feat. Kneecap, Lauren Ann, Sello, Shee, Krea, A Lethal Black Ooze, Odd Numbers, Flynn Johnson, Sharpson, Demlot, Laurie Shaw, Hugo Lynn, Fya Fox, Faxe On Faxe, Blimp.

13 great new Irish songs you should hear today

Featuring Elaine Howley, Judy on the Roof, Khakikid, Sammy Copley, Molijah, Filmore, SHEE, Christian Cohle, Zuchley, Patrick Stefan, Olivia Emade, Poser, owin, Muttonhead, Max Zanga.