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Introducing: Neon Indian

Introducing: Neon Indian



‘Deadbeat Summer’ is the kind of tune that this blog is made for. A woozy, dreamy, Cadence Weapon-approved psychedelic jam from a band that are quite elusive themselves. Of course, there is a Brooklyn connection (THERE’S ALWAYS A BROOKLYN CONNECTION. A love connection perhaps?).

Neon Indian are a girl based in New York and a guy based in Austin (Alan Palomo from Vega) who make music together. Imagine an indie collaborative The Lake House and you’re almost there. Ok maybe not but have you seen the premise of that movie??

Anyhow, Neon Indian’s debut album Psychic Chasms sounds like McCartney’s ‘Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time’ put through a druggy washing machine. It’s out on October 13th on Lefse and it is brilliant fucking awesome. Ones to watch. They play London in September. Anyone want to bring them over here?

MP3: Neon Indian – Deadbeat Summer

MP3: Neon Indian – Terminally Chill

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