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All the info you need to know for our all-ages Musictown gig on Record Store Day

All the info you need to know for our all-ages Musictown gig on Record Store Day


Dublin Is Sound is an event in the The Grand Social on Saturday afternoon April 13th brought to you by Nialler9 and Seven Quarters as part of the Musictown programme that is open to all-ages features four of the best new Irish acts we love, along with a specially-designed limited 12″ record only available to ticketbuyers on Record Store Day, all with design by Ruan Van Vliet and pressed in the city by Dublin Vinyl.


€12 (with limited edition 12″ record) // €10 without, plus VAT/fees from Eventbrite.

Buy Tickets

We have:

Pillow Queens

Charming melodic indie-rock favourites with a Dublin slant.

Pillow Queens - Gay Girls


Junk pop rock from Dublin trio.

Squarehead - 2025

God Knows

Limerick MC and one third of Rusangano Family playing a solo show.

Rusangano Family - I Know You Know

Tebi Rex

Maynooth R&B, pop and hip-hop duo Max Zanga and Matt O’ Baoill.

Tebi Rex - No.1 Symbol of Peace


Doors are at 12.30 and the show happens from 1pm to 4:30pm on Saturday afternoon April 13th, which is also Record Store Day.


The Grand Social
The upstairs Loft space.

Vinyl tracklist

Side A
1. Pillow Queens – Gay Girls
2. Squarehead Always On

Side B
1. God Knows – Not Angry
2. Tebi Rex – Lotus Eaters

See Also
Gemma Hayes

Vinyl produced by Dublin Vinyl. Mastered for vinyl by Richard Dowling in WAV.

Available for €12+ fees by buying a ticket for the gig. Pickup on the door.

Facebook event.


– No alcohol will be served or allowed at the gig.
– It’s open to all ages from the age of 14 upwards
– Under 14 to be to accompanied by a guardian
– This gig is not suitable for younger children especially 5 and under as it will be hosted in a live capacity setting and noise might affect their hearing.
– We would also advise ear protection is brought as this will not be available at the gig.
– Soft drinks and water will be available

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