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Limerick wordsmith Aswell leaves nothing to interpretation on the Mankyy-produced EP Ambiguous

Limerick wordsmith Aswell leaves nothing to interpretation on the Mankyy-produced EP Ambiguous

Mike McGrath-Bryan

There’s scarcely any more need to talk up Limerick hip-hop at this stage: the efforts of the MusicGeneration crew and Unscene Music platform in the city have resulted in a generation of innovative and empowered creators doing their thing on their own terms. Rappers like Jonen Dekay, Same D4ence and producers like Co. Clare’s Mankyy are among the new breed.

Stepping up to the plate in 2018: Matthew Aherne, a.k.a. Aswell. Following appearances on Mankyy’s ‘Character Development’ E.P. last year, and subsequent live cyphers (above), the collaboration continues with Aswell’s newest extended-player ambiguous.

Mankyy's 'Character Development' cipher w/ Spekulativ Fiktion, Hazey Haze, Jonen Dekay & Aswell

Mankyy (or Daithí MacCruitín, as his Mammy calls him) has been garnering adoring glances in recent years for his jazzy, hazy but considered take on beatmaking, and it plays to Aherne’s own plentiful strengths perfectly: a relaxed, baritone and accented flow that oozes steadily, indulging his struggles and internal monologue with an at-times painful degree of honesty.

Listen to and download ambiguous in full below.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

See Aswell next supporting Spekulativ Fiktion for the former’s EP launch (another Mankyy co-production) at the The Poor Relation in Cork on Friday 26th, joining Jonen Dekay and Corkonian SwitchX on the billing. €7 on the door.

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