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Bob Odenkirk announced for Dublin event

Bob Odenkirk announced for Dublin event

Nialler9 News

Actor and comedian Bob Odenkirk is coming to Dublin for a live event at the National Concert Hall, where the Better Call Saul actor will be talking about his career.

An evening with Bob Odenkirk happens on Thursday April 13th. Tickets at tiers  €28.50 €36, €45 from NCH. Tickets on sale Friday February 17th at 10am.

Odenkirk’s newest TV show is Lucky Hankin which he plays a bitter English professor. The show also stars Kyle MacLachlan.

Here’s the blurb….

Join Emmy-winning writer and Golden Globe-nominated actor, comedian, and director Bob Odenkirk as he recounts the twists and turns of his comedy career live on stage.

Celebrating the paperback publication of his Sunday Times bestselling book Comedy, Comedy, Comedy, Drama, Bob will share the highs and lows of showbiz: from his work on infamous cult comedy Mr. Show, as a performer and writer on legendary series such as The Larry Sanders Show and Saturday Night Live, to becoming everyone’s favourite lawyer in Global hit TV series’ Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul; plus what it’s like to work with Steven Spielberg and Greta Gerwig, and re-re-reinvent himself as an action film ass-kicker at fifty in Nobody.

See Also

Bob Odenkirk’s career is inexplicable. And yet he will try like hell to explicate it for you…

Featuring humorous tangents, wild characters, and Bob’s trademark unflinching drive and humour, don’t miss the opportunity to spend an entertaining evening with the beloved star and comic maverick.

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