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Chris Morris – ‘Motherbanger’ (Pixies parody)

Chris Morris – ‘Motherbanger’ (Pixies parody)


Staying with the archive theme for another post, how about this splendid Pixies parody by Chris Morris? It’s called ‘Motherbanger’ and successfully apes the sound of the Pixies while making Frank Black sing about an incestuous relationship with his mother and the resulting necrophilia. The shouting is perfect Frank Black, the bass is Kim Deal personified and the guitar shreds exactly like Joey Santiago. Is this the most perfect parody ever? Either way, Morris is a bit of a genius. Check out the clip below and the comprehensive fansite.

Chris Morris – Motherbanger

Motherbanger Lyrics

One two three..
Well my mother is a whore
Let me tell you more

My mother did something to me
When I was 23
She spilled a cup of tea
All over my knee
I said “Mother, oh my GAAAAAWD
She said “Nevermind son, let’s have some fun
Your pantaloon’s undone
I can see you’re well-hung”
And then she fiddled with my cords


My mother gummed my weapon.

See Also

This is the dawning of the age of King Oedipus
King Oedipus, I need a puss
My mother’s just as good as any other
She drives me wild

Goddamit! Let’s get hispanic!
Uh-huh-huh, uh-huh-huh, me mama es une whora
Uh-ha-ha, uh-ha-ha, me espanol es muy poora

Ever since I’ve been at my mother’s nipple
Guess I’ve been a dipole
Now I’m fully converted, I’m heavily perverted
Like I wanna have sex with a mutant ibex
Wanna whack my wand in the nearest pond
Wanna stick my spear in a stingray’s ear

Now my mother got jealous of my new bedfellows
Started pickin’ an argument
She said “Son, you’re bent”
She said “Don’t wanna cause offence, but you’re makin’ no sense”
She said “Don’t wanna cause friction, but where’s your diction?”
She said “Express yourself another way, we’re dumb choanotaenia”
So I shot her.
And some blood spilled from her vest
She said “Son, there’ll be no more incest”
I said “I know mother,-
That’s why I keel ya
Preparin’ your dyin’ body for necrophilia”

Hey, before you go...

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