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Fohn’s new album Seanteach explores Connemara family heritage and connection

Fohn’s new album Seanteach explores Connemara family heritage and connection


English violinist and producer Tom Connolly aka Fohn is releasing an album inspired by the west coast of Ireland.

Seanteach (old house in Irish) is the title of the record, from Connolly with the fiddle the dominant instrument on the ambient experimental field-recording folk album inspired by Irish folklore and the artist’s family heritage.

Seanteach on Odda Recordings, due October 18th, is informed by “island life, marine folklore, musical tradition, connection to the land, the severing of earthly ties, explorations of environment, mythos and generational memory.”

Connolly’s fiddle playing is inspired by his childhood playing, and the bonds with his family’s island home off the coastal west of Ireland.

“Seanteach explores the nature of my relationship with Ireland, and Connemara in particular, where my dad’s family is from,” says Connolly.

See Also

Here’s the album’s first single ‘MacDara’:

The album is available via Bandcamp.

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