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Here’s a 19 hour Nialler9 Spotify & Youtube playlist to keep you company in isolation

Here’s a 19 hour Nialler9 Spotify & Youtube playlist to keep you company in isolation


These are unprecedented times that call for us all to support and look after each other as much as we can in isolation, or together as much as we can while maintaining best practices in order to reduce the impact and spread of Coronavirus.

Our speciality is of course, music, and making playlists, DJing and putting on events so I wanted to contribute something positive that may help keep you sane, calm and occupied. Music has a calming positive influence on my life, so I offer up an 19 + hour playlist of music that I love from all eras and genres available in two flavours.

It’s got everything from Talking Heads, to the xx, The Blaze, Kraftwerk, The B-52s, Eric B And Rakim, William Onyeabor, ESG, Prince, Metronomy, Steely Dan, Roosevelt, Frank Ocean, Robyn, Sylvester and more.

It was shared on our Patreon page with our supporters last year as a house party playlist but can be used to keep you company as we all stay at home and work remotely.

You can play it in two ways via Spotify or on Youtube (chromecasting to TV etc) – just hit shuffle on it and let it roll.

See Also


Follow playlist or play it below.


Good for Chromecasting etc. Hit Shuffle.

Hey, before you go...

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