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Irish Italo-disco project Love Command0 debut video on ZYX label

Irish Italo-disco project Love Command0 debut video on ZYX label

Love Command0

Jamie of Fight Like Apes & wife Bex debuted an Italo-disco-influenced debut single as Love Command back in 2022.

Love Command O is a project inspired by a passion for 1980’s Italo Disco, New York Mutant Disco and 1980’s electronic freestyle.

On June 21st, the pair will release a debut album entitled Integration, on famed Italo label Zyx.

During the lockdown periods, the duo packed up their car with drum machines, synths and their dog and drove to Berlin to record the album. They cherry-picked the best of their favourite styles and combined them into a psychoanalytical musical examination of married life, Jungian psychology and the rebirth of love. 

Today, the band have released a single ‘Make It Right’ along with an animated video directed by Marc Corrigan based on the album artwork.

See Also
Photo: Rich Gilligan.

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