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Laurie Shaw tackles awkward teenage amour in ‘Shatterproof’

Laurie Shaw tackles awkward teenage amour in ‘Shatterproof’

Mike McGrath-Bryan

It’s quite something to consider the body of work of Wirral-born/Cork-based troubadour Laurie Shaw. Having been doing the rounds locally for several years, the singer-songwriter’s body of work is frighteningly extensive for a man of 23, with several albums already to his considerable credit.

Having already aired some of his music on UK label Sunstone Records and Dublin imprint Little L, Shaw’s starting 2018 as he means to go on, with the announcement of new long-player Weird Weekends, a semi-concept collection of tracks that amount to a tribute to the noughties’ teenage experience.

The influences of Britpop and C86 forebears are everywhere in Shaw’s self-produced work, aloof in capturing the everyday melodramas of growing up and coming to terms with the world: an advance listen to the album yields tales of broken marriages, pregnancy and escapism, affected equally with humour and knowing pathos.

Shaw’s been much-fancied by musical folks in this neck of the woods for quite some time now, and ‘Shatterproof’, taken from the record and streaming below, is as good a place as any to start digging, a hazy, ambling recollection of awkwardness and boozy insecurity.

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‘Weird Weekends’ releases tomorrow via Shaw’s Bandcamp, with gigs and further singles to follow.

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