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Mother lineup announced for Electric Picnic

Mother lineup announced for Electric Picnic


The late night queer dance party in the woods has been announced to return for the Stradbally sold out festival.

Appearing once again at Electric Picnic, in the earlier time of August 16th-18th and taking place each weekend festival night from 11pm to 4am, Mother will bring their DJ crew and a host of DJs and performers alongside them for a late night party.

DJs, dance party drag, kinksters, dancers, queer performers and the Mother queer festival family includes Mother DJs Rocky T Delgado, Ruth Kavanagh and Ghostboy will be joined by a selection of favourite guests including Kelly-Anne Byrne, Glamo and Billy Bunzari.

There will be DJs & pop-up shows featuring Abrakedavre, Annie Queeries, Anziety, Avatar Guille, Donna Fella, Faux Joli, Naomi Diamond, Nokia, the OINK Go-Go Dance crew, Saint Marco, Shaqira Knightly & the Mother Dancers

Today’s news is the first of many announcement on areas at Electric Picnic 2024, check back on Nialler9 as we will update you on all of them as they happen.

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