Crawling, atmospheric and undeniably fresh Knife-esque tune from regular collaborators Planningtorock. It’s taken from W,…
Stunning animated short by Studio Datdatdat. The music, ‘Start from the Beginning’, is from Egyptrixx’s…
Recently featured Domino signed Austra have a new video for ‘The Beat & The Pulse’…
A new Nashville-shot horn-featuring video from Gruff Rhys‘ new album Hotel Shampoo by Peter Gray,…
McMorrow is going to have a bit of a Villagers-type year in 2011, mark my…
Solar Bears‘ first ever gig took place in London a few weeks ago and was…
My One to Watch from last month, Lord Huron gets a beautiful but bleak winter…
‘Round and Round’ was MADE for these kids to sing it. Next stop? The Oscars.…
More details and a sampler from his new album.
What a gorgeous tune. The opening track on my favourite album of 2011 so far.…
The Go! Team released their new album on Friday in Ireland and it comes out…
Snowy, white and Christmassy, Villagers capped off an amazing year for all involved with two…
If like me you tried to watch this video but it was geoblocked (*bullshit industry…
A dark and bewitching video and song with half-step dub beats and a growling synth…
With the full schedule for Other Voices now announced and starting on February 16th, here’s…
Loving this tune from Toro Y Moi’s forthcoming second album Underneath The Pine which is…
FULL SCREEN Flying Lotus debut directorial credit goes to Bilal for his latest video, ‘Levels’.…
A music video dance performance piece set to the music from Girl Talk’s All Day…
Back in September, I introduced you to We Are Trees. This video by High/Low shot…
She & Him aren’t the “sound of tomorrow” but they do make cute retro pop…