Nialler9 Weekly Chart


SMD Remember those archaic days when you picked up a magazine or a weekly music paper in your grubby music-hungry hands and read a playlist of what the publication’s writers were playing in the office that week? There is power in those recommendation charts. Here is my version. No great fanfare or descriptions just ten of the best song around right now you should know or you might already know.

This week: The Major Lazer and Mos Def albums obsessions continue, a new track from Yo La Tengo, Toddla T’s excellent skanky album, new Clark, The XX and Simian Mobile Disco.

  1. Major LazerKeep it Goin’ LouderGuns Don’t Kill People Lazers Do
  2. Yo La TengoHere to FallPopular Songs
  3. Memory CassetteBicycle (Horrors Cosmic Dub)
  4. Mos DefQuiet Dog Bite HardThe Ecstatic
  5. Toddla TBoom DJ From the Steel CitySkanky Skanky
  6. ClarkRainbow VoodooTotem’s Flare
  7. Atlas Sound feat. Panda Bear – Walkabout
  8. The XXVCR (Demo – proper album version is way better)The XX
  9. ModeratRusty Nail (Shackleton remix) Remix EP
  10. Simian Mobile Disco10000 Horses Can’t Be Wrong Temporary Pleasure

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