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Ridickuluss: Primavera Sound 2011’s final lineup

Ridickuluss: Primavera Sound 2011’s final lineup

Some dude just heard how good the lineup was. Embarrasses self in front of Primavera Sound audience.
Eh, OK. So we all knew Primavera was going to have a brilliant lineup but today they finally fired their full list and the result was enough to make you faint. Basically “BEST LINEUP EVER”.

New additions:
PJ Harvey, Sufjan Stevens, Big Boi, Battles, Jamie XX, PiL (Public Image Limited), DJ Shadow, M.Ward, James Blake, Interpol, Warpaint, Baths, Darkstar, Cults, Explosions In The Sky, Glasser, Girl Talk, El Guincho, James Blake, Gold Panda, Gonjasufi, Holy Ghost!, Kode9 And The Space Ape + Kode9 Burial Set, Matthew Dear Live, Odd Future, Perfume Genius, Simian Mobile Disco, The Tallest Man On Earth and tUnE-yArDs.

Christ. Basically, half the artists regularly featured on this blog. I posted the full lineup here.

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