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Skinner offers his short king noise take on the Irish traditional children’s song ‘Tell My Ma’

Skinner offers his short king noise take on the Irish traditional children’s song ‘Tell My Ma’

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Aaron Corcoran aka Skinner drops a second single of the year, ahead of a forthcoming EP release on Faction Records.

After the scene-setting no wave ‘New Wave Vaudeville’, Skinner returns with a recording of a live favourite in the form of a short and sharp take on the Irish traditional children’s song ‘I’ll Tell My Ma’.

Gainfully twisting the playground song into a more foreboding take, Skinner’s ‘Tell My Ma’ is a blistering 86 seconds of punk-rock no-wave saxophone discordant noise turning the innocent sentiment of the song on its head for a 21st century aggravated reckoning.

Watch the video by Conor Beegan.

“I wrote this as a spin off to the old Irish folk song for children “I’ll Tell My Ma”. I remember my Mam used to sing it to me when I was a child and it’s always stuck with me as a kind of comfort song. I think as you get older it’s funny how things you think are innocent as a child take on a more sinister meaning when you read into them as an adult. Lyrically I think the original folk song hasn’t particularly aged too well in terms of relevance to gender equality or what is now deemed as acceptable in society so I wanted to take the lyrics and recycle them by screaming and shouting them in anger and protest instead of the jovial way the song is usually sung.”

The Geek Love EP is out October 10th, with an album coming in early 2025.


See Also


Declaration Of Interest – I’m Skinner’s artist manager.

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