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The best gigs & club nights in Limerick this weekend

The best gigs & club nights in Limerick this weekend

Cathal Ryan
Of All Living Things (Photo: Evan Cahill)

Skip to day: Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon

All door times are 7:30pm/8pm unless stated.

Thursday June 6th

Hazey Haze and Mankyy @ Belltable (€15)
Album launch for new record Shii Boy Gets No Sweets.

Shii Boy Afterparty @ Pharmacia (Free, 9:30pm)
Andy Unscene goes B2B with Mankyy to celebrate LP launch.

Friday June 7th

Of All Living Things @ Kasbah Social Club (€10)
Dublin four-piece, formally Nicetry, bringing back 90s Slowcore.

No Stairway @ Dolan’s Warehouse (€18)
The Irish Led Zeppelin experience.

Sun Mahshene @ Dolan’s Upstairs (€12)
Six-piece Shoegaze from Ireland, Poland, and the UK.

Steamboat and Record Room Presents @ Record Room (Free)
JaYne returns for her album’s first-anniversary launch, featuring Abe Soare, Dora Gola, and Phoenix and Wolf.

See Also

Saturday June 8th

Tresor Showcase @ Belltable (€25, 4pm/6pm)
Tresor residents Kerrie and Mareena with support from Brawni, Chaz Moloney, and Offtrack.

The Vault @ Record Room (Free, 10pm)
Niall Colgan on the tunes till late for this vinyl-only club night.

Zen @ Pharmacia (€5, 10pm)
Melodic House and Techno all night long.

Sunday June 9th

Sunday Sessions @ Record Room (Free)
The Counterfeits play out your week.

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