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The Hacienda resident DJ and journalist Dave Haslam coming to talk in Dublin

The Hacienda resident DJ and journalist Dave Haslam coming to talk in Dublin


The DJ, author and broadcaster Dave Haslam who was known for being a resident at the Hacienda nightclub in Manchester will be in Dublin’s Hen’s Teeth to promote the third instalment of his Art Decades mini-book series, Searching for Love: Courtney Love in Liverpool, 1982. The date is Thursday March 5th.

Searching for Love traces the journey of Courtney Love to Liverpool & Dublin in 1982. Dave will be joined by Roisin Dwyer to discuss this recent work, as well as his life and career in music, which includes writing for NME, The Guardian and his critically acclaimed autobiography, Sonic Youth Slept On My Floor (2018).

Tickets: €10, available here

See Also

Facebook event: here

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