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The Knife are no more

The Knife are no more


Um, this morning news came through that The Knife were doing their last tour. Silly Swedes, I thought to myself, that’s somewhat unclear use of English language. Reading on, it seemed the shows (below) were the last of the Shaking The Habitual tour, which made sense.

Now, it seems, no, it’s actually The Knife that’s coming to an end. According to Dazed, in an interview Karin Dreijer said:

“We will close down, it’s our last tour. We don’t have any obligations to continue.”

A PR has confirmed that The Knife would officially be no more.

There’s a lack of finality to that statement still (I DO NOT WANT TO BELIEVE – They are one of my favourite bands) so hopefully, that’s not how they’re going out for good but if so, these are the official last live dates, finishing in Iceland for Airwaves. There are no more plans for anything from the name The Knife as an entity.

See Also
Gemma Hayes

That does leave room for Olof producing Houwaida Hedfi as is mentioned and perhaps more Fever Ray and Oni Ayhun.

Shaking The Habitual Show Tour Dates:

Oct 31 – Annexet, Stockholm, Sweden
Nov 01 – Film Studios, Gothenburg, Sweden
Nov 03 – Arena, Berlin, Germany 
Nov 05 – Academy, Manchester, UK 
Nov 06 – Brixton Academy, London, UK 
Nov 08 – Iceland Airwaves Festival, Reykjavík

The Knife - Silent Shout + Lyrics
The Knife - Pass This On (Shaken-Up Version) Preview

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