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Tonight: Prince Kong debut LP launch

Tonight: Prince Kong debut LP launch


kong Tonight sees the launch of Prince Kong’s debut long player Proper Horror Show, Dublin’s premier grimey dancehall artist. Over the last two years, Kong’s sound has mutated from spastic breakcore to rival the likes of The Bug for quality underground junglist rhythms. He has been working with some of the best MCs around: Warrior Queen, Jah Balance, Lady Grew, Eccleton Jarrett and MC Quilombola.

Proper Horror Show drops tonight in the Melody Bar, Capel Street, Dublin which also serves as the launch of label Ghettoquietly.
Forcefed, Eomac and Manus Goan will also be playing live and their is limited FREE DOUBLE VINYL of Proper Horror Show on the door. Amazing. It’s €10 and runs from 10.30pm to 2:30pm so if you’re popping along to this first you’ll make it in. Here’s a tune from Proper Horror Show:

MP3:Prince Kong – Outside feat. Tommy Trouble and Eccleton Jarrett

Incidentally, the photo above is by Rich Gilligan who has an exhibition of skateboarding photography happening until Sunday on Lad Lane (Just of Baggot St.), Dublin 2.

Proper Horror Show tracklisting
A1. Demons feat Comandante krakken
A2. Whatcha feat Lady Grew
B1. De Grouda feat Tommy Trouble & Eccleton Jarrett
B2. Cazz feat MC Quilombola
C1. Outside feat Tommy Trouble & Eccleton Jarrett
C2. Marchfloor feat Lady Grew
D1. Angsta feat Jah Balance
D2. Whailt feat MC Quilombola

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