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Track-by-track: Holly Munro’s A Crescendo Ending EP

Track-by-track: Holly Munro’s A Crescendo Ending EP


Dublin singer-songwriter of confessional indie-pop Holly Munro gives us the lowdown on each of the four-tracks from her new EP A Crescendo Ending, out today on Kartel Music Group.

1. Dead Ends

“Dead Ends” came to me after a meditation where I visualised my life’s journey as footprints in the sand. Though it wasn’t set in any specific place or time, in my mind, I was at Sandymount Beach near Poolbeg Towers (where I shot the music video). From above, I saw myself walking various paths, diverging in countless directions.

At the time of doing the meditation, I was feeling pretty confused so I think that emotion was amplified. While the lyrics in the chorus might sound pessimistic  “I don’t wanna be 40 something and feel like I missed my chance, I don’t wanna leave all these footprints in places that lead to dead ends”. It’s not supposed to be negative, or some kind of slight at getting older. It’s more of a call to embrace who you are right now, fully and authentically. 

I was honestly so scared of this song after I wrote it, because it came from such a raw place. I was worried it would offend the people in my life right now. But over time, I realised its themes are more universal than personal. The recording process was emotional, with many tears shed, but it taught me valuable lessons about the importance of sharing your most vulnerable work and embracing the uncertainty of that.

2. First Prize

I wrote “First Prize” directly after “Dead Ends.” I was sitting with my favourite nylon guitar, reflecting on the relief I felt from a point in the meditation where I dissolved into water and embraced the unknown. 

In the meditation, someone led me into the water, away from familiar paths towards the fluidity and potential of something else. I guess the song kind of became about longing to be connected to something somewhere that is bigger than myself, and the fear that can come with being unable to articulate what that is. 

Both “Dead Ends” and “First Prize” were actually not intended to be on the EP. I wrote them a week before heading into the studio. Once they were written, they just felt better suited for the direction of the music than two of the other tunes I had prepared.

3. Out of Style

“Out of Style” came about as I reflected on a friend’s relationship issues, which resonated with some of my own experiences. It’s about that awkward place in a relationship where communication breaks down, and both parties avoid confronting it for various reasons. The song aims to evoke a cinematic portrayal of both the romance and pain in that type of situation.
Personally, it’s my favourite track on the EP. 

See Also

The music video was a collaboration with Loukia Hadjiyianni, a talented friend known for her emotive storytelling through photography and film. I’m such a big fan of the vulnerability in her work and for this video, I felt it was right to step back and let her artistic vision shine.

4. New Year’s Moon

“New Years Moon” is the oldest track on this EP. I wrote it right on the cusp of New Year ’23, just sitting on my bed and watching the moon outside my window. I was feeling deflated and not hyped for the new year at all. Personally, the Christmas period is always a bit tough with societal pressures to have a picture-perfect family, which makes me hesitant about the pressure to have new year’s resolutions and expectations.

The song is about celebrating the idea of not needing big goals or plans, but instead embracing the unknown and unexpected. It’s all in the lyrics “I wanna fly like a firework, far from my hands, and let something happen that I can’t plan.” Writing this song was a turning point for me, both personally and musically. It opened up a new creative path, pushing me to explore a more intimate sound –  just me and guitar.

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