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Watch Fehdah’s performance for the Ulysses 2.2 series

Watch Fehdah’s performance for the Ulysses 2.2 series


To mark a century of James Joyce’s Ulysses, Ulysses 2.2 is an ongoing year-long engagement of responses by artists to the book’s 18 episodes, curated and produced by ANU, Landmark Productions and MoLI.

So far, there has been responses from Limerick rapper God Knows, playwright Marina Carr, writers Emilie Pine and Anne Enright, musician Matthew Nolan and Adrian Crowley, journalist Fintan O’Toole, activist Sinéad Burke among others.

Many are public performances and some have been filmed separately.

For musician and artist Fehdah, a regular around these parts, you can now watch a video of her contribution, Inspired by the Sirens of Ulysses, and drawing on her Irish and West African heritage.

For the performance, Fehdah composed and curated a selection of original and traditional pieces.

Together, these pieces constitute a reflection of the crossroads between cultural identity and Joycean thought patterns. Using alluring and fragmented soundscapes, they express Odysseus’s or Bloom’s dilemma of needing to belong, but resisting being subsumed by a narrow identity. ‘Amhrán Mhuínse’ was filmed and recorded in collaboration with Suntou Susso at the Old Physics Theatre in MoLI – the Museum of Literature Ireland earlier this year.

See Also

Ulysses 2.2 | Episode 11: Overture to the Quietus by Fehdah | Amhrán Mhuínse:

You can watch God Knows’ here also, and see more at

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