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Analog Rhythms launch 90s Dublin club culture website

Analog Rhythms launch 90s Dublin club culture website


After running two years of Dublin club culture exhibitions, Analog Rhythms has launched its Dublin club culture archive online for the first time.

Featuring flyers, photos, anecdotes, DJ sets, videos, newspaper clippings and more, the site covers venues like Temple of Sound, Temple Theatre, Sides DC, The Kitchen, The Ormond Multi Media Centre, The Pod, Columbia Mills, The Asylum, System, The Funnel, The Furnace and more with an emphasis on the 1990s and early 2000s.  

The site is intended to be a ‘work in progress’, and is also welcoming submissions from anyone who might have photos, flyers, videos or memorabilia from the time period.

Browse it here.

“Dublin ‘came of age’ during the 1990s, and this was reflected in its nightclub scene, with the city considered, for a time at least, as one of the clubbing capitals of Europe,” says Steve Wynne-Jones, editor,

“With the Analog Rhythms website, we’re seeking to create a repository where ravers both young and old can immerse themselves in the magic of Dublin clubbing’s formative years.”

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