Channel One

Introducing: Forrests – Channel One members make sky-reaching electronica

While Dublin’s Channel One are on hold, band members Paul O’ Reilly and Owen O’…

Nialler9 Irish albums of 2009 poll results

Below you will find the countdown of the 30 albums that got the highest number of votes in the Irish album poll. There are some surprises in there to me. The number one album on the list actually won by a fair few points in the end. In a year where there was no clear favourite, it’s interesting to see such an album top the list. A few of the albums charted quite highly considering they were only released in the last month or so.

Vote for the top Irish albums & songs of 2009

It’s been another great year for Irish music in my estimation. Releases from ASIWYFA, David…

New Channel One – Soubresat

My first post about these guys was waaay back in February 2006, light years ago…

DEAF Fundraiser night in August

DEAF are kicking things off a little early this year with a fundraising event on…