Dream Wife sound open call for female/non-binary crew to get in touch ahead of their Dublin & UK dates

Luke Sharkey

London-based pop-punk group Dream Wife have taken a bold step toward addressing gender imbalance in the Music Industry employment practices ahead of their Irish and UK tour.

The band have sounded an open call for female-identifying and non-binary persons including sound engineers, promoters, producers, tour managers, managers and more to contact them on their imminent tour this week. It’s not clear exactly what If you fit the description head on over to the group’s Instagram page and let them know.

Dublin-based rock group Girlfriend have already been announced as the support act for their Whelan’s date on the 17th of October as part of their callout for female/non-binary support acts.

Dream Wife play Whelan’s on October 17th, tickets at €13+ are on sale now here.

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