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English government announce nightclub & crowded venue goers will be required to show a Covid vaccine certificate

English government announce nightclub & crowded venue goers will be required to show a Covid vaccine certificate


Less than 24 hours after nightclubs first opened their doors in England for the first time in 16 months almost immediate news came of a reversal in the restrictions that had the industry, and people at large, scratching their heads in frustration at the vision and planning of the Tories in England.

Boris Johnson confirmed yesterday afternoon that from the end of September, those wishing to go to nightclubs and crowded indoor venues will have to provide proof of a double vaccination, via a Covid vaccine certificate.

In a press conference he said:

“I don’t want to have to close nightclubs again as they have elsewhere. But it does mean nightclubs need to do the socially responsible thing.

“As we said last week, we do reserve the right to mandate certification at any point if it’s necessary to reduce transmission.

“And I should serve notice now that by the end of September, when all over 18s have had their chance to be double jabbed we’re planning to make full vaccination the condition of entry to nightclubs and other venues where large crowds gather.”

“Some of life’s most important pleasures and opportunities are likely to be increasingly dependent on vaccination.”

That this was announced on what the English had dubbed Freedom Day where all COVID-19 restrictions were lifted lead to widespread consternation, and indicated that the English governments bullishness in eradicating restrictions, may already be rolled back in the coming weeks.

It indicates that the English government are actually worried about rising cases of the Delta variant despite the easing of restrictions.

Michael Kill, CEO of the Night Time Industries Association, representing nightclubs in the UK didn’t mince his words:

So, ‘freedom day’ for night clubs lasted around 17 hours then…. The announcement from the Prime Minister that Covid passports will be made mandatory for night clubs in September comes after his Health Secretary said only one week ago that they would not be compulsory. What an absolute shambles.”

“Leaving aside the fact that this is yet another chaotic u-turn that will leave night clubs who have been planning for reopening for months will now have to make more changes to the way they operate – this is still a bad idea. 80% of nightclubs have said they do not want to implement covid passports, worrying about difficulties with enforcing the system and a reduction in spontaneous consumers, as well as being put at a competitive disadvantage with pubs and bars that aren’t subject to the same restrictions and yet provide similar environments.”

“The Government’s own report into vaccine passports found they were more trouble than they’re worth – so what could possibly explain the about turn, just as millions across the UK experience their first taste of a night out in a year and a half…?”

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