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Here are our personal picks of Irish & International artists you should support on Bandcamp today

Here are our personal picks of Irish & International artists you should support on Bandcamp today

Luke Sharkey

The financial implications arising from the Covid-19 pandemic for performing artists are clear and obvious.

If venues close down, musicians lose out on a vital source of income. Touring and gigging represents the ‘steadiest’ source of revenue for many if not most musicians – so this outbreak is bad news blues for Irish and international artists in an industry with a well-established reputation for fiscal hostility.

Luckily, there are some facets of the industry looking to give musicians a dig out.

Bandcamp, the online music hosting and merchandise platform, are waving their revenue shares for all purchases on their site from 7 am this morning to the same time tomorrow (translating the time difference from Pacific to GMT).

The global service usually takes 15% of all digital sales and 10% of physical, that’s the increased revenue margin all artists will receive if you purchase through Bandcamp during this ‘sale’. The artists will receive payment for all purchases made today within 24-48 hours (source).

Bandcamp offers digital sales, physical releases, merchandise and gift card purchases to their prospective customers.

While there is a global pandemic going on and its financial effects are ubiquitous, your direct financial support today can and will be the difference between a musician potentially making rent this month or not.

If, during self-isolation, you’ve found yourself listening to more music, Irish or otherwise, now is the chance for you to show your thanks to the artists who made it.

With that in mind, we wanted to share a few recommendations of fantastic artists, albums and labels you could invest your money into today. Think of it as a prospective shopping list.

This is absolutely not an exhaustive list, or meant to be taken as definitive. If you like an artist, support them. Hell, shoot them a message and ask if they have something on Bandcamp you can buy.

See Also

Irish Artists

  • Apartment Records – Discography
    This dance label, based in Cork, has long been a bastion of Irish dance music. Their discography includes work from a plethora of Irish producers, have a gander.
  • Arvo Party – Discography
    Much of the Irish producer’s work is available on the platform, including his excellent new LP Love Above All. You can grab that for €7.
  • Defekt – Magnetic Resonance
    The Dublin producer’s best EP is available for €4 digital or €10 physical, some of the best techno around.
  • ELLLL – Febreeze
    The Dublin producer has long since been active through her involvement in Gash Collective, the ‘Febreeze’ single represents her breakthrough to a more international audience. For fans of experimental dance or alternative club.
  • Gadget & The Cloud – Running Away From Ghosts
    Cork producer and member of Gash Collective Gadget & The Cloud dropped two previously unreleased singles just for the occasion. The very industrial, PC music tinged ‘Get Away’ stands out a highlight, but you can purchase the whole EP digitally for €3.
  • Mango X Mathman – Casual Work
    You can grab the lads’ superb debut LP for €10 and you definitely should.
  • Maria Somerville – All My People
    Blissful dream pop from Somerville on her debut outing for €7.50.
  • New Jackson – Romancecar
    New Jackson’s best collection of work is available for €5. Get it, spin the title track next time you’re playing out and people will dance, I promise.
  • Nina Hynes – Discography
    The Berlin-based singer-songwriter is offering her back catalogue plus access to her new material for €3, sweet.
  • Pear Label – Discography
    The Dublin based dance collective’s Bandcamp is brimming with excellent techno and house.
  • Sim Simma – Pass The Aux Chord EP
    One of the standout Irish hip-hop releases, perfect for prospective DJs looking for material to spin or regular punters trying to figure out what this whole Irish rap thing is about. Just a fiver.
  • Yenkee – Cannibal Tree EP
    God this is an excellent EP. Cork native Yenkee is perhaps the nation’s finest bedroom pop artist. His 2019 EP Cannibal Tree is available for €3.

Further Afield

Looking for more? Dave Burgess put together a list of all the Irish acts currently on Bandcamp, you can find that here. A thread with Irish artists and labels selling merch is available here.

If you want to scroll through Bandcamp directly, links to works tagged Irish and Ireland are available here and here respectively.

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