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Hunter Gatherer – ‘Left For Dead’

Hunter Gatherer – ‘Left For Dead’


I must commend Analogue on their recent free CD – most excellent stuff (and I’m not the only one who thinks so). In a recent freebie post, this song popped up twice as recommended by Paddy and Colly.

‘Left for Dead’ is one of those unassuming pieces of music which quietly invites itself for tea and within hours is cosily wrapped up in your favourite blanket in the living room. You don’t mind though, as it brings calmness and warmth with it. It’s snowing outside. I’m going to grab a cuppa.

Hunter Gatherer – Left for Dead

Hunter Gatherer is an Irish electronic musician who has released a couple of EPs which are free for download on myspace. There is also more tracks on his Last.FM page.

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