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Mango x MathMan are manifesting good times with UKG MC Creed for new song ‘Vibes’

Mango x MathMan are manifesting good times with UKG MC Creed for new song ‘Vibes’


Mango x MathMan have a new song out today showing the clubbier side of their affections.

‘Vibes’ is an uplifting house and garage banger with a guest verse from a don of UK garage – MC Creed, built on ravey piano chords and a pitched-up vocal melody.

As Mango wrote on his Insta today:

“Mathman sent me this record in the hardest lockdown, a miserable winter, no end in sight. When I listened to it I could close me eyes & remember that feeling of being in a club havin the night of yer life singing, dancing & buzzing with yer mates.

I had this photo saved on me phone & would look at it while writing my lyrics, vividly remembering all these incredible raves I had played or danced in & how they shaped & gave me so much happiness even at the lowest points of my life. Ironically the kind of places & nights I’ve needed the most are the ones I haven’t been able to go to in so long.

As much as I can write about how hard it is to live here, the struggles and the strife. We love it here, and still believe in it. The people,the buzz, the Vibes!

Our music is street music & club music. You come to any gig or DJ set of ours & it’s not all hard grime & rap, it’s big club bangers! 2-step singalongs & uplifting music!

That’s US & a side of us we always want to represent. Yin & Yang.”

It’s the first track from the Dublin pair since their Casual Work debut album not counting remixes.

See Also

This is the first single off Mango x MathMan’s forthcoming EP, due early 2022.

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