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Melina Malone celebrates Dublin city with song and video for ‘No Better Place’

Melina Malone celebrates Dublin city with song and video for ‘No Better Place’


The Irish R&B artist Melina Malone has released a new song and video that celebrates Dublin city.

‘No Better Place’ is a tribute to the city, with footage of Malone’s home videos interspersed with footage of the city through the years and up to present day. Malone grew up in Charlemont Street Flats and the video and song celebrate the artist’s origins in the capital.

The song was co-produced with Stephen McCann aka Rvstless.

“This song is a homage to home, whatever that may mean to you. During the uncertainty of the pandemic, people all around the world were suddenly forced to adapt to their surroundings and retreat. For me, although it was an incredibly difficult time, I found myself being filled with gratitude and appreciation for my family, my city and place of belonging. Home is so much more than a geographical location. It can be a feeling, an embrace, a refuge, the centre of who we are; Most importantly, it can be whatever you want it to be. Whether you’re watching friends take the leap and leave Ireland, or you yourself are unable to travel home due to restrictions, I hope this ‘No Better Place’ can provide solace for you.”

See Also

Melina Malone

‘No Better Place’ is on all DSPs.

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