The last fortnight of August is traditionally slim pickings in the Southern capital, but as…
FRIDAY AUGUST 18TH: This is How We Fly @ Sirius Arts Centre, Cóbh (7.45, €15)…
Scrobarnach might be out, but the county remains a hotbed of activity this weekend. TONIGHT:…
THURSDAY AUGUST 3RD: Saint Caoilian @ Connolly’s of Leap (8pm, €10) The handsomest biy in…
THURSDAY JULY 27TH: Yorkston Thorne Khan @ Coughlan’s Live (9pm, €16) Folk, electronica, jazz and…
WEDNESDAY JUNE 14TH: Zolala Klub #9 @ Siopa Gan Ainm (7pm, free) Multi-disciplinary night of…
TONIGHT: Torcán @ St. Peter’s (7pm, free) Trad nua from Cork-based outfit Torcán, performing at…
Thursday June 1st: Fixity @ Gulpd Cafe (9pm, €10) Having released a third album of…
THURSDAY MAY 4TH: C Duncan @ Cyprus Avenue (7.30pm, €16) Mercury Prize-nominated Glaswegian composer and…
The city and county’s gig scene begin to swing back to life following the post-holiday…