
12 Irish songs you should hear this week

Featuring Lucy Blue, Cbakl, Lil Skag, Alicia Raye, Keanu The Pilot, Bambie Thug, Tandem Felix,D*mp, Curtisy, Niallish, Jordan Adetunji , The Fae, Lydia Ford, Viscose, Faoi Bhláth.

Irish songs you should hear this week

Featuring Isaac Jones, Rudy, Naoise Roo, Elaine Malone, The Drifter, Noden, Louise Gaffney, Sloucho, Roisin El Cherif, Bonnie Spencer, Sarah-Beth, Samuel Blaney.

Irish songs you should hear this week

Featuring Just Wondering, Luz, Archy Moor, Melina Malone, Pursued By Dogs, Ellen Sleator, Joel Harkin, Rhosi, Adam O’Rua, Josef Mac, Martellos, Lucy Bell.

12 Irish tracks you should hear this week

Featuring Niamh Bury, Long Island Sound, Frank Zing, Poser, Alan McKee, Celaviedmai, Rory Reid, Caitlin Orla Eve, FL Breezy, F3Miii, Essiray, Dreamer, Hugz

12 Irish tracks you should hear this week

Featuring Brigid Mae Power, Skripteh, 7th Obi, 1000 Beasts, Zeenie Summers, Cromby, EMBRZ, Delac, Kestine, Niallish, Jossle, Yop, The Fully Automatic Model.

9 Irish tracks you should hear this week

Featuring Kayleigh Noble, Reevah, Clodagh Rose, Jehnova, Jock, Search Results, THEO, Aoife Brigid, AULD.

12 new Irish songs to hear this week

Featuring Aoife Wolf, Pat Lagoon, Ezra Williams, Proper Micro NV, Becky McNeice, Sister Fenix, Arthur Valentine, Róisín McKeown, The Fae, Volleyball, Alex Tierney, Archy Moor, Lushed.

12 new Irish songs to hear this week

Featuring Man Alive, Tomike, Trá Pháidín, DaRoy, Zeztra, Zissou, EMBY, TraviS, Elzzz, Problem Patterns, Hi Vista, IB Rebel, Loners, Anice O, Telebox.

12 new Irish songs to hear this week

Featuring Krystal Klear, Guud Grief, Hotgirl, Touch Excellent, Havvk, Catching Shapes, Lucy Gaffney, Enola Gay, Jossle, Tamara Hall, Rebel Phoenix, Greg Tisdall, Max Zanga.

12 new Irish songs to hear this week

Featuring Aby Coulibaly, King Kong Company, Bobby Fingers, Meryl Streek, Fia Moon, JyellowL, Bon Voyage, Slow Moving Clouds, Luunah, A Lethal Black Ooze, Malik, Tabitha Smyth, D12 Inc.

12 new Irish songs to hear this week

Featuring Viscose, Babylamb, Alicia Raye, Luka Palm, Malik, Chxmist, Matthew Xavier Corrigan, Sweetlemondae, Shauna Lee, Walshy, Lowkick, david ofmg, Jobseekr.

12 new Irish songs to hear this week

Featuring No Photos, E The Artist, Zissou, Delac, Jealous Of The Birds, Stephen Shannon, Olive Hatake, Patrick Stefan, Honey Still, Banyah, Loop Heavy, Daryl Bengo, GNS, Confamm Charlito, TraviS, Elzzz, Reggie, Tidah.

12 new Irish songs to hear this week

Featuring Slow Moving Clouds, Zapho, Celaviedamai, Conchúr White, whoisdays,Trophy Wife, Papa Romeo, A.S Fanning, USNA, KEHLI, Blimp, Joexxvincy, Video Blue.

12 new Irish songs to hear this week

Featuring Laurie Shaw, Sloucho, Fizzy Orange, Zoid, Inni-K, The Expert, Enola Gay, A92, hikii, Curtisy, Graham, Spider, Skripteh, Whenyoung, Headsgone.

12 new Irish songs to hear this week

Featuring Still Blue, Lemonade Shoelace, Ezra Willams, Gareth Quinn Redmond, Sorcha Durham, Crybabyamy, D*mp, Emily Beattie, Róisín McKeown, Trinkets, Rodney Owl, Molumby, Nylophone

12 new Irish songs to hear this week

Feat. Nell Mescal, Offica, Maverick Sabre, Jealous Of The Birds , 1000 Beasts, Malaki, Pastiche, Badhands, Robert John Ardiff, Clay Pigeon Shooting, Peter Vogelaar, XXXX InStereo, Rory Sweeney, Graham, Hikii

12 new Irish songs to hear this week

Feat. Kneecap, Lauren Ann, Sello, Shee, Krea, A Lethal Black Ooze, Odd Numbers, Flynn Johnson, Sharpson, Demlot, Laurie Shaw, Hugo Lynn, Fya Fox, Faxe On Faxe, Blimp.

12 new Irish songs to hear this week

Feat. Jazzy, Chubby Cat, Shadeemus, JyellowL, Bobby Basil, YourCuzMarcus, Uly, Gary Showbiz, Perlee, Dashoda, Post-Party, INSIDEAWAVE.

12 new Irish songs to hear this week

Feat. Spooklet, Side 4 Collective, Lunch Machine, Becky McNeice, Jordan Adetunji, Fay’d, Elephant, George Feely, KEHLI, Nine Raths, The Velourias, Scoth.

12 new Irish songs to hear this week

Feat. Gaff, Lydia Ford, Loop Heavy, Niallish, Elaine Malone, Feather Beds, Vi0let,Marcus O’Laoire, Daire Heffernan, 7th Obi, Rógan, Kyna, Manyana.