Featuring Lucy Blue, Cbakl, Lil Skag, Alicia Raye, Keanu The Pilot, Bambie Thug, Tandem Felix,D*mp, Curtisy, Niallish, Jordan Adetunji , The Fae, Lydia Ford, Viscose, Faoi Bhláth.
Featuring Isaac Jones, Rudy, Naoise Roo, Elaine Malone, The Drifter, Noden, Louise Gaffney, Sloucho, Roisin El Cherif, Bonnie Spencer, Sarah-Beth, Samuel Blaney.
Featuring Just Wondering, Luz, Archy Moor, Melina Malone, Pursued By Dogs, Ellen Sleator, Joel Harkin, Rhosi, Adam O’Rua, Josef Mac, Martellos, Lucy Bell.
Featuring Aby Coulibaly, King Kong Company, Bobby Fingers, Meryl Streek, Fia Moon, JyellowL, Bon Voyage, Slow Moving Clouds, Luunah, A Lethal Black Ooze, Malik, Tabitha Smyth, D12 Inc.
Featuring No Photos, E The Artist, Zissou, Delac, Jealous Of The Birds, Stephen Shannon, Olive Hatake, Patrick Stefan, Honey Still, Banyah, Loop Heavy, Daryl Bengo, GNS, Confamm Charlito, TraviS, Elzzz, Reggie, Tidah.
Feat. Spooklet, Side 4 Collective, Lunch Machine, Becky McNeice, Jordan Adetunji, Fay’d, Elephant, George Feely, KEHLI, Nine Raths, The Velourias, Scoth.