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Premiere: Bobbi Arlo seeks escape from a toxic relationship in the ‘Parasite’ video

Premiere: Bobbi Arlo seeks escape from a toxic relationship in the ‘Parasite’ video

Parasite - Bobbi Arlo (Official Video)

Dublin R&B pop artist Bobbi Arlo dropped ‘Parasite’ a gossamer song that looks in the rear view about a person that had a hold that disentangling yourself from them is tantamount to an unprecedented event. It’s a smart and atmospheric track.

For the video, premiering here today, the visuals are lead by the song’s meaning, with Bobbi saying:

“The video depicts what my life was like dealing with heartbreak from a toxic relationship. Everyone felt like my enemy even my nearest and dearest. My world felt blurry I couldn’t think straight and simple tasks became a hysterical event. I quite literally lost my mind consumed with all things “them”  I kept going back and kept getting hurt. For the simple reason pain was familiar and safe. Withdrawing from that resulted in me completely losing touch with reality and the video really cleverly depicts that feeling, while also dropping hints of things that kept me going. Little metaphorical items or shots trickle throughout. Like the headphones and empty rooms showing my only push on was music and my room became an empty hole I couldn’t escape from. If you watch the video you’ll really get a feel for the headspace I was in and the way my life played out.”

Watch the video here directed by Louis Maxwell.

Follow Bobbi Arlo on Insta.

See Also

‘Parasite’ is featured on Nialler9’s New Irish music playlist on Spotify.

Bobbi Arlo on Nialler9.

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