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Savages lead with the intense roller ‘The Answer’

Savages lead with the intense roller ‘The Answer’

Savages - "The Answer"

Savages are following up their debut with Adore Life, out in January on Matador Records and the English band’s first single from it – ‘The Answer’ is an intense barrelling rock song which has a suitably moshy-video by Giorgio Testi. It’s a ramp up in intensity for a band that leaves no sense of complacency.

Spoiler, the answer is love.

It’s about change and the power to change. It’s about metamorphosis and evolution. It’s about sticking to your guns and toughing it out. It’s about now, not tomorrow. It’s about recognising your potential. It’s about self-doubt and inaction. It’s about you. It’s about me. It’s about you and me and the others. It’s about the choices we make. It’s about finding the poetry and avoiding the cliché. It’s about being the solution, not the problem. It’s about showing weakness to be strong. It’s about digging through your dirt to look for diamonds. It’s about claiming your right to think unacceptable thoughts. It’s about boredom and the things we do to drive it away. It’s about being on your own so you can be with people. It’s about knowing what it means to be human and what it might mean one day. It’s about the parts and the sum of the parts. It’s about the music and the message: together, one and the same. It’s about bass, guitars, drums and vocals. It’s about opening-out and never, ever dying. But most of all it’s about love, every kind of love. Love is the answer.


Adore Life tracklisting

  1. The Answer
  2. Evil
  3. Sad Person
  4. Adore
  5. I Need Something New
  6. Slowing Down The World
  7. When In Love
  8. Surrender
  9. T.I.W.Y.G.
  10. Mechanics

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