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Nialler9 presents No Advance @ Block T – Secret lineup BYOB gig

Nialler9 presents No Advance @ Block T – Secret lineup BYOB gig


As part of Block T’s Good Friday series of events this summer, Nialler9 takes over Block T’s Common Room in Smithfield this Friday night, June 6th, for a special night of live music.

The deal is:

1) Three great Nialler9-approved artists will play.
2) Their names will not be announced in advance of the gig.
3) They will be playing mostly new material.
4) The gig is BYOB.
5) There will be no advance tickets.
5) €12 for general admission on the door / €10 for members, students and unwaged.
6) 9pm – Midnight show, so get there on non-Irish time.
7) Dance and make friends.
8) 100 person capacity.
9) Facebook event

The only thing I’ll say about the three acts are there’s a mix of indie and electronic music in there: established and emerging. Sin é.

See Also

Poster by Stephen Maurice Graham.


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