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Trophy Wife returns with the alt-pop banger ‘Good Love’

Trophy Wife returns with the alt-pop banger ‘Good Love’


Ruby Smyth is an Irish artist who makes alternative pop music under the name  Trophy Wife.

We premiered a cracker of a funk-pop song called ‘On The Phone’ last year from her debut EP Art.

‘Good Love’ is the newest song since that release, and the vibe is still very much her own thing – a bright and airy production with songwriting that isn’t afraid to shy away from a big pop chorus.

The song apparently takes inspiration “from the larger-than-life choruses of Whitney Houston, the low-key pop musings of King Princess, and the virtuosity of Steely Dan,” three influences that we like to see.

See Also
Spooklet by Orla Neiland

‘Good Love’ is a soundtrack to the reopening of the world in 2021, in reconnecting with people once more.

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