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With help on time

With help on time


A new charity initiative from ARH Design who also runs a small netlabel called Silence is not Empty in Drogheda releasing mostly ambient and dark electronica, worthy of your attention. He is planning on bringing out a special charity set of releases backed up with some designer items such a t-shirts, cups, gadgets… I’ll let him explain.

There is a foundation in my homecountry, Poland, called “zdazyc z pomoca” which helps children with serious or even fatal diseases offering them a chance for a proper medical treatment or very urgently needed equipment which will give those children a chance for a normal childhood and life in the future. I am supporting the foundation with what I can, but knowing it may not be enough I decided to do something more and hence the “with help on time” initiative.

The whole initiative will work in a very simple way, Silence Is Not Empty will be releasing a very unique materials by artists established on the alternative scene and the only way to get the copy will be through donating money to the foundation and presenting me with a proof of that. There will be no money going through my pocket and also I will be covering all the production costs as well as postage and packaging, therefore all the money will be going directly to the foundation.

See Also

He’s currently sourcing artists for releases so get in touch if you have something to offer and keep up to date on the charity action over at Old Drawings blog.

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