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Elastic Witch to close on Record Store Day

Elastic Witch to close on Record Store Day


Elastic Witch, the record shop run by Gib Cassidy for the last three years in Twisted Pepper is to close on Record Store Day Saturday April 19th.

But not for the reason you might think. Anyone who’s popped into shop in the last while might not have been greeted by Mr Cassidy and his lovely hair, because he’s been drumming with Girls Names for the last year and a bit. But his working life behind a record counter didn’t fit in with the lifestyle of touring drummer. It’s something he’s addressed on a Facebook page update.

When I’m away from the shop I find it increasingly difficult to run it as it should be run. I also have to pay people to work there in my absence. When I’m not around I end up spending more money than I’m taking in. I can’t really justify this anymore….

…If I was able to concentrate more on the shop I’d be able to keep it floating above the surface but I just don’t have the required time or money to invest in it at the moment.

Cassidy also cites other reasons including a change of direction in life and promises that Elastic Witch will release music as a label (It released the brilliant I Am The Cosmos album from last year) and occasional events when time feels right. He thanks all the customers as well as saying that the shop will close on Record Store Day (Cassidy is the latest in a line of people speaking out about RSD), on Saturday April 19th with an event celebrating the shop, with special stock and live bands playing on the day.

Update: Send Elastic Witch off in style with Jape, I Am The Cosmos, Twinkranes, Girls Names, Diamond Dagger and more from 3pm til late. Free in during the afternoon.

Remember that there are a good few record shops left. Continue to support them. They are doing a good service. You would miss them if they weren’t here.

I, for one, will miss the shop and another space to pop into when you’re in town for a chat with the man, a browse of records and a coffee. Here’s a song from the Cosmos release I got from Gib while it was open, which seems rather apt:

Photo from Visit Dublin.

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