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Kirkos Ensemble present Biosphere – six outdoor performances from Dublin Bay to the Hellfire Club livestreamed this week

Kirkos Ensemble present Biosphere – six outdoor performances from Dublin Bay to the Hellfire Club livestreamed this week


The contemporary music group Kirkos Ensemble are presenting a series of outdoor-based experimental music encounters this week, called Biosphere, which will be broadcasting on Twitch across the week, from today til Sunday September 6th.

The performances take on a different tack – drawing on concerts, installations, sound art and more featuring work from Irish and international composers.

With the backdrop of places like Sandymount Strand, Hellfire Club and more, Biosphere centres on featuring music that is made for outdoors as opposed to a traditional concert space, which of course, is currently not possible to perform and gather in numbers due to COVID-19.


  • A performance of Tai Chi inside a Zorb ball filled with shredded single use plastic
  • A string quartet in the sea with the tide rising till it immerses them and their instruments
  • A Zoom call across Dublin Bay
  • Improvisational text pieces inviting our online followers to take their plant on a walk
  • A solo horn player battling the tide and the dangers of rising sea levels
  • A piece structured around the Clare v Galway 2018 All-Ireland semi-final (replayed by 2 people instead of 30, and this time played over a salvaged piano at a beach…)

See Also

Performers and contributing artist include Tom Lane, Susan Geaney, Nick Roth, Robert Coleman, Paul Scully, Jennifer Walshe, Patrick Ellis, Sebastian Adams, Andy Ingamells, Seán Clancy), interdisciplinary art (Natasha Bourke) dance (Laura Sarah Dowdall), and
theatre (Joan Somers Donnelly).

See the Kirkos Biosphere site for times and details.

It starts this evening at 7:30pm.

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