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Listen to Acid Granny’s unique Paddy’s Day radio specials

Listen to Acid Granny’s unique Paddy’s Day radio specials


Acid Granny are a group of artists known for their roving trolley of electronic instruments which pre-pandemic they would bring out to confuse pedestrians on streets and bring some magic to festivals.

Craving another outlet for their madcap adventures, Acid Granny are currently releasing short “radio shows” to coincide with Paddy’s Day in a series called Radio Paddy. It’s not a talk show, it’s not a music show, it’s Radio Paddy – a celebration of possibility, comedy, performance and sound.

Listen to the first two episodes here today and check the Bandcamp for the big Paddy’s Day bash with possible special guests if the Acid Granny disciples can pull it off in time for the big day. Deedledeedledee it’s Radio Paddy!

The show is also available on DSPs and elsewhere.

Acid Granny previously featured on the Lidl Museum of Ancient and Contemporary Art Audio Tour album.

They say:

For some reason we make radio shows now. It’s unclear how it happened but it’s here now. Radio Paddy is like Christmas FM for Paddy’s Day and we’re running the kip. It is a radio station of Irish escapism that exists as much as you’d like it to. 

See Also

We wanted to make radio hits so we made a radio show to play them on. It’s great when it’s time for the bit of music and we can all sit around cackling tunes into existence.

When we haven’t been really sad, we’ve been trying to embrace the social craic that is possible online. We’re gagging for the 5G ourselves now, even if it fries our little white puddin’ brains. When we can get over the awful state of ourselves and start prodding each other through the screens, the messin’ gets real good and we’ve all to go to confession the next day then. 

If anything goes to plan, three 10-30 minute episodes will be released online before Paddy’s Day is over. The Paddy’s Day programming is too good not to produce but with so little time, we’re going to need loads of money. This Paddy’s Eve, the Radio Paddy team are going to save Paddy’s Day with a last minute injection of pure sterling, but at what cost?! Tune in to the second episode of Radio Paddy to find out! 

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