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Listen to Sunken Foal’s Friday Syndrome Volume 3

Listen to Sunken Foal’s Friday Syndrome Volume 3


What began as a time-keeping measure in order to encourage regular composition for Dunk Murphy has now spawned three volumes of music, made on a Friday night as Sunken Foal music. Volume 1 and Volume 2 have much to recommend on them. Volume 3 continues those explorations while also touching on the kinds of sounds heard on December’s soul, synth and drum machine album Press Charges LP.

Volume 3, as with previous version comes with a unique 50cm x 70cm art print (each edition is a unique image generated from a 72 degree grid pattern system) , a t-Shirt all available from Bandcamp along with the digital download.

As for the tunes themselves, there are square-edged tracks like ‘’ and ‘The Son is the One’ with the talkbox/neglected vocodered vocals of Bats/The Speed Of Snakes’ Rupert Morris, a track featuring Si Schroeder that recalls ‘Why You Don’t Love Me Anymore’, skittering beat tracks like ‘I Got The Shop’ , ‘Hard Rime Lattice’ and the Sunken Foal trademark, acoustic instruments meeting electronic in beautiful (‘Settler’s Debt’) and discombobulating ways (‘Piss in The Smash’).

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