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Lyttet – ‘Saint Etienne’

Lyttet – ‘Saint Etienne’


Kildare musicians Claire Nicole and Peadar Kearney make reverb-drenched air-dried music that crosses indie, folk and electronic music.

They’ve a new EP coming out next week called Initium::Finis featuring ‘Distance’ and ‘Forever Those Days’.

New track ‘St.Etienne’, kicks off side two of the vinyl version of the EP is inspired by the place in France which Kearney lived for a while, not the band. It moves into less ethereal places with more directness, the production still lost in a fog but teeming with a dense sense of emotion.

Lyttet – ‘St.Etienne’

It’s on iTunes and Spotify. The vinyl EP is out now and the digital EP comes next week.

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