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Premiere: Dublin trio gif release bouncy debut ‘Lumière’

Premiere: Dublin trio gif release bouncy debut ‘Lumière’

Kelly Doherty

Dublin indie-punk trio gif have released their  debut tracks ‘Lumière’ and ‘You Said’

Telling the story of a young protagonist having to endure the advances of a creepy older man, ‘Lumière’ is a bouncy number marrying thrashy singalong choruses with restrained, intimate spoken word moments. It’s a tale as old as time and gif are the perfect narrators with their colourful story-telling and rightfully biting treatment of the antagonist. The trio have also released the hard-rock tinged b-side ‘You Said’.

Today we’re premiering the Eleanor Rodgers directed video for ‘Lumière’, which augments the song’s message and shows the tale of a man who falls desperately in love with a camgirl. Check it out below.

Gif - Lumière [Official Video]

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