Crystal Castles

Bear in Heaven remix Crystal Castles & play Dublin

Last week, remixes of Crystal Castles‘ from Sonic Youth’s Thurston Moore and Memory Tapes appeared…

HEALTH – ‘USA Boys’ / DISCO2 remix album

A new track ‘USA Boys’ kicks off HEALTH’s upcoming Get Color remix album DISCO2 which…

Crystal Castles – ‘Doe Deer’ / ‘Celestica’

Crystal Castles are a marmite band. Their vapid posturing, sense of style over substance, their…

Introducing: The Big Pink

I was pleased a couple of weeks ago when a previous tip of mine The…

Nialler9’s Songs of 2008

Go forth to discover and listen to Nialler9’s 50 best tunes of the year.. 50.…

Video: Crystal Castles – ‘Vanished’ (Unofficial)

Sometimes Crystal Castles piss me off, sometimes they’re brilliant. Today it’s the later thanks to…

Christy’s Casseroles

Playing live tonight in Andrews Lane Theatre ( or ALT as they are calling it.…

nialler9 Podcast #13: March 08

By the skin of our teeth, we finally got the March Podcast done. A couple…