Gemma Hayes

The Revisit picks 6 Irish albums they rediscovered on the podcast

Headstuff’s No Encore podcast has a series with Kieran McGuinness of the band Delorentos that…

Starboard Home – an album inspired by Dublin port announces tracklist & gigs

Starboard Home is a new album that features new songs inspired by Dublin Port, Dublin…

Paul Noonan to release album of duets with Joan as Policewoman, Martha Wainwright, Julia Stone, Amy Milan & more

Paul Noonan will take a break from Bell X1 with a new project called Printer…

Halves – ‘Tanager Peak’ featuring Gemma Hayes

A few weeks ago, Halves announced their second album Boa Howl with a skittering percussive…

Gemma Hayes – ‘Keep Running’ (video)

The standout track on Gemma Hayes’ quite good new album Let It Break.

Gigs happening this week

A list of events taking place over the next seven days in Dublin. Stand outs…