
What are your favourite cheesy 80s songs?

This was prompted by the rather wonderful new M83 track ‘Kim & Jessie’ which was…

Hawt: Schmackey and the Salads

Super new band from Newbridge putting the “fun” in funk and the “no” in German…

Camille – Music Hole

One of the most interesting and unique singers, Camille from France (not to be confused…

Antics at the disco with El Guincho

I set myself a challenge yesterday. A small one. I promised myself I would stay…

Video: Robotnik – People Walk Away

New single from Robotnik’s forthcoming album Pleasant Square. I first caught Chris Morrin in the…

Video: Why? – Song of the Sad Assasin

Judging by the amount of mails, it seems some of you were listening to myself…

Video: Jamie Lidell – Little Bit of Feel Good

Lidell’s new album Jim is a stonker of funky proportions. Here he is with the…

Get to the Chopper! Aagh! The Predator Rap

Flippin’ amazing! True fact: I recently bought the Alien vs Predator boxset, yet still haven’t…

State launch video featuring Ham Sandwich, Carly Sings..

More Info here.

Video: Holy Fuck – Lovely Allen

Brand new and a little bit tweaked from the album version, the video sees the…

Dublin’s Master of the Universe

I remember travelling on the Arrow train up to Dublin on Saturdays from Kildare when…

Weekend Update

It’s been some week around these parts. State Magazine finally hit the shelves from Thursday…

Sigur Rós – ‘Heima’ full documentary online

The entire documentary is available on YouTube now for your viewing pleasure or stay right…

Neon Love first birthday night!

The best place in town for a few pints of Buckfast and an electro knees-up…

Best Karaoke Music Video ever?

I stole this from LPX as I was in stitches watching this last night. It’s…

Mirrorball, Music Videos & Michel Gondry

I recently came across a bittorrent of the superb late-90’s music video series Mirrorball which…

Video: The Count & Sinden – Beeper (feat. Kid Sister)

The original was kinda cheesy to begin with but this video has gorgonzola on a…

Video: Foals – Cassius

Foals are one of those bands that only make complete sense to me in an…

Saul Williams – “Sunday Bloody Sunday”

Mr. Niggy Tardust offers up a video for the polarising but really quite brilliant cover…

Music Video: The Infomatics – Wake Up

The first video from Kill or Create, the debut album from Dublin hip-hop group The…