Another Love Story 2022 tickets on sale on Friday


Over the years I’ve written of my fondness for Another Love Story, the small festival in Killyon Manor in Meath that is among by annual festival highlights.

Like all the other festivals at the moment, the organisers, Homebeat and Happenings are on the rescheduling merry-go-round that has seen two complete festival summers disappear into a pandemic.

Some good news then, that the small festival of the year 2017, will put tickets on sale for 2022 along with announcing some of the lineup this Friday at noon.

Here’s their statement:

We are excited to leave a few of the names we have held under the covers for #ALS22 into the wild air of the world this Friday July 16th at 12 noon –  and to give you, our dearest Lovers, the chance to be amongst the first to put your paws on some tickets for what we all hope will be a triumphant return to the raucous days of yore at The Manor on August 16th – 19th, 2022.

Why put out a line up and tickets now you ask? 

Because damnit we’ve been sitting on our hands a lot over the last while and we’re about to explode with energy for this thing.

See Also

It’s a marker of hope, and a place to aim for.

Anyways, we could wax lyrical, but safe to say we’ve got a few very exciting initial names to get the juices flowing for the return of the big (small) shindig next year in all its glittery glory.

Tickets are on sale now

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