Body & Soul Festival have never been just about the music but it’s still nice to know where artists might be playing, especially if it’s your first time returning to the festival since 2019.
7 unique experiences we’re looking forward to @ Body & Soul Festival
Our Body&Soul Festival 2022 playlist
The festival has revealed its stage lineups today so it’s inching closer to June 17th to 19th – we can almost smell Ballinlough Castle Estate.
B & S have also released day tickets from €100 on sale now.
Here’s the overview of the acts per stage for now, and more info about each.

Acts by Day and Stage:
- Sprints
- Soda Blonde
- King Kong Company
- Jon Hopkins
- Éfe
- Lisa O’Neill & Crash Ensemble
- Pillow Queens
- Mother DJs
- Roísín Murphy
- Lee Fields
- Yard Act
- Yves Tumor
- Sampa The Great
- Mogwai
- Sophie Doyle Ryder
- Smoothboi Ezra
- Magdalena Bay
- Bricknasty
- Just Mustard
- Godford
- New Jackson
- Suzanne Ciani
- John Francis Flynn
- The Altered Hours
- K3:lu
- New Dad
- M(h)aol
- Sofia Kourtesis
- Peter Broderick
- Junior Brother
- Fears
- Jude Rodgers in conversation with Siobhán Kane
- The Blindboy Podcast live
- The Bug Club
- Sinead O’Brien
- Remi Wolf
- Houseplants
- Daithí
- Kelly Lee Owens
- Overhead, the Albatross
- Heaps Keen
- Ordnance Survey
- Arveen
- D Dineen
- Collie
- Byron Yeates
- Solstice Meditation – Ger Murphy
- Body Holidays Bingo
- Toby Hatchett
- Andrew Kearney
- Footnotes
- Gilbert Steele
- Pagan Rave
- Efa O’Neill
- Chloé
- Solstice Meditation – Susan Quirke
- Sing Along Social
- Mother Drag Aerobics
- Atila Flipside Selecta
- Kate Brennan Harding
- The Drifter presents Set Adrift
- Bill Mango
- Neil Flynn
- Optimo 25
- Tomike
- Caleb Kunle
- Ahmed with Love
- Alicia Raye
- Nealo
- JYellowL
- Bella Festa
- Louise Chen
- The GOAT
- Sweetlemondae
- Salamay
- Shiv
- Strangeboy
- Aby Coulibaly
- Jafaris
- Mango x MathMan
- MathMan Garage Power Hour
- Handsome Paddy b2b Bobofunk
- The GOAT
- Negro Impacto
- Khakikid
- Abbacaxi
- Celaviedmai
- Malaki
- Monjola
- EMA b2b Neva
- Secret Orchard Movie Club: David Byrne ‘American Utopia’
- Mik Artistik
- David Kitt
- Awakenings – Psychedelics, Healing & Nature : Jon Hopkins, Dr Sam Gandy & John Cantwell
- Siofra
- Secret Orchard Movie Club: Shut Up & Play The Hits
- The Pop Dungeon
- King Khan & Black Power Tarot
- Shane Daniel Byrne
- Bishi
- Emma Nash
- The Last Bohemians: Kate Hutchinson feat. Suzanne Ciani
- Seamus Heaney’s HomePlace: Queering the Green
- Secret Orchard Movie Club: Summer of Soul
- Robert John Ardiff
- David O’Doherty
- Cormac Begley & Liam O’ Connor
- Felispeaks
- Bob Stanley in conversation with Siobhán Kane
- Seamus Heaney’s HomePlace: Stephen James Smith
- Dr Herringbone Dread
- Clare Sands
- Niamh Regan
- Las Salamandas
- Body&Soul: Festivals & Sustainability
- DJ Phil Hope
- I Have A Tribe
- O Deer
- 3 Courses of Connection dining experience
- Masquerade Ball
- Ophelia McCabe
- Caimin Gilmore
- Haus of Mockie Ah’s Drag Brunch
- Rise & Shine Comedy Buffet
- Fuzzy Rock
- Ceilí
- Elaine Howley
- Woven Kin
- Haus of Mockie Ah: Drag Bingo & Cabaret
- Natalya Beylis & Eimear Reidy
- Rise & Shine Comedy Buffet
- Let’s Find Out Collective
- Cat Dowling
- Dream Cycles
- Louise Gaffney
- Rita Perry
- Dark Horse On The Wind live film score
- Dark Mountain Radio
- Fully Automatic Model
- Anna Mullarkey
- Ceara Conway
- Chloé: Slo Mo Live
- Still Space
- Brian Crosby
- Bryan K Pepper
- Peter Broderick’s Siesta Soundscape
- Man of Aran live film score
- Dream Cycles
- Jurgen Simpson
- Rufous Nightjar
- Enda Gallery
- Joao Tudella surf film with live score
- Keyramc & Olga
- James Skerrit
- Oiche Dubh
- Grace Wells poetry
- Creative flow workshop
- Cat Dowling
- Louise Gaffney
- Rita Perry
- Dark Horse On The Wind live film score
- Let’s Find Out Collective
- Jurgen Simpson
- Man of Aran live film score
- Rufous Nightjar
- Enda Gallery
- Joao Tudella
- Keyramc & Olga
- James Skerrit
- Oiche Dubh
- Grace Wells poetry
- Creative flow workshop
- Cabin Crew with Andrew K
- Mr Whippy
- Sally Cinnamon
- Cabin Crew with Timmy Tra
- Cabin Crew with Toby Hatchett
- Donal Dineen
- Ronan Harold
- K3LU (DJ set)
- Emmie Lou
- Cabin Crew
- Mikey joyride Soro
- Desert island Disco
- Little J
- Suzie
The Body & Soul Stage will host exhilarating acts throughout the weekend – kick started on Friday night with a special DJ and AV set by Jon Hopkins, Saturday night will see a headline live performance from Róisín Murphy, who makes her Body & Soul Festival debut, while Mogwai will bring a Sunday night festival finale not to be missed. Other appearances on the Body & Soul Stage include artist, MC and poet Sampa The Great and Lisa O’ Neill & Crash Ensemble. They will be joined by EFÉ, Sprints, Pillow Queens and Soda Blonde – all amongst the 2FM Rising alumni past and present who feature at the festival this year – as well as CMAT, King Kong Company, Lee Fields, Mother DJs, Yard Act, Yves Tumor and special guests.
Meanwhile, the atmospheric Woodlands Stage will play host to the likes of Welsh electronic musician and producer Kelly Lee Owens; a quadraphonic sound performance from Grammy-nominated Californian composer and musician Suzanne Ciani; as well as live sets from the recently announced Just Mustard, AE MAK, Overhead, the Albatross, Fears, Houseplants, Remi Wolf, Sinead O’Brien, John Francis Flynn, Sofia Kourtesis and Godford. Together with a special live edition of Blindboy Boatclub’s The Blindboy Podcast and writer Jude Rodgers in conversation with Siobhán Kane about new book The Sound of Being Human, the Woodlands Stage will come alive with further music performances by Bricknasty, Daithí, Junior Brother, K3:lu, M(h)aol, Magdalena Bay, New Dad, New Jackson, Peter Broderick, Smoothboi Ezra, Sophie Doyle Ryder, The Altered Hours and The Bug Club.
This year, Body & Soul’s newly commissioned, 35ft tall Beacon Stage, created by master craftsman Toby Hatchett, will act as a party magnet for high octane DJ sets and late night adventures, with highlights including Optimo 25, Byron Yeates and Chloé. The Beacon will also be home to Saturday night’s Pagan Rave, a ceremonial salute to the festival’s Solstice roots, featuring over 20 performers bedecked in costumes and masks and culminating in a DJ set by Sally Cinnamon. Other weekend appearances at the Beacon include Donal Dineen, Efa O’Neill, The Drifter presents Set Adrift and Bill Mango, with fun packed experiences from Mother Drag Aerobics, Body Holiday’s Bingo, and Sing Along Social.
The return of the ever-popular Hip Hop House, hosted by Hennessy, will showcase the best of Ireland’s progressive new hip hop and soul scenes, which this year includes Mango x MathMan, Jafaris, Nealo and EMA b2b Nevan. They will be joined by a host of forward facing live acts and djs including Abbacaxi, Aby Coulibaly, Ahmed with Love, Alicia Raye, Bella Festa, Caleb Kunle, Celaviedmai, FYNCH, Handsome Paddy b2b Bobofunk, JYellowL, Khakikid, Louise Chen, Malaki, a MathMan Garage Power Hour, plus Monjola and Negro Impacto, as well as a series of day time talks.
Body & Soul welcomes back Bulmers to the festival for 2022, including the arrival of a lively new space in the festival’s beautiful walled gardens, The Secret Orchard. From cabaret to comedy, conversation to crooning, the Secret Orchard will present an eclectic and energetic line up of mind-expanding and foot-tapping activity, from the talk Awakenings: Psychedelics, Healing & Nature featuring producer/composer Jon Hopkins, Dr Sam Gandy and Irish Shaman John Cantwell; to comedy from the likes of David O’Doherty and Shane Daniel Byrne; live music from rock sitarist Bishi, traditional Irish musicians Cormac Begley & Liam O’ Connor, opera singer Emma Nash and solo performances from David Kitt and Robert John Ardiff. Spoken word and literature will be represented by a live performance from Felispeaks, alongside a presentation by Seamus Heaney’s HomePlace, who bring performance poet Stephen James Smith and contributors to the landmark new poetry anthology, Queering the Green, including Paul Maddern, Séan Hewitt and Sarah Clancy. Conversation from Saint Etienne’s Bob Stanley about his new book, Let’s Do It: The Birth of Pop and female focused podcast The Last Bohemians, whose host Kate Hutchinson will chat to Suzanne Ciani, will run alongside a Black Power Tarot inspired DJ set from King Khan and further music and film interludes from The Pop Dungeon and The Secret Orchard Movie Club.
Also situated in the walled gardens, Endless Love brings a vibrant space to sit and enjoy wonderful food offerings from Food On Board – launching as Ireland’s first Circular food court – while being wowed by an eclectic, cabaret style showcase including Haus of Mockie Ah’s Drag Brunches and Bingo, a Rise & Shine Comedy Buffet, the ‘3 Courses of Connection’ dining experience and a traditional Ceilí. Live music guests for Endless Love include the likes of I Have A Tribe, Elaine Howley, Niamh Regan and many more over the weekend.
An intimate and contemplative AV oasis, housed in another enclosed corner of Ballinlough’s stunning walled gardens, the Let’s Find Out? Stage is a home for some of Body & Soul’s most exciting ambient and folk leaning artists, who will perform alongside a collection of silent film screenings, soundtracked live by the Let’s Find Out Collective, plus poetry and workshops. Curated by renowned Irish filmmaker, musician and long time festival friend Myles O’Reilly, and Doolin Arts – the artistic wing of Doolin’s progressive, arts focused hotel – highlights include a live score to the silent film Man of Aran, Chloé Slo Mo Live, Joao Tudella’s Surf Film, emerging folk act Rufous Nightjar and many more to thrill the senses throughout.
The Cabin In The Woods is a brand new, old time, hot spot deep in Ballinlough woods. Body & Soul’s very own hunting lodge-style cabin to enjoy daytime conversations, as darkness sets you can discover the softer sounds of americana, soul, funk and boogie from a host of eclectic Cabin In The Woods DJs including Mr Whippy, Desert Island Disco and more foot tappin, heartwarming party starters all weekend long.
Further performances and interludes can be discovered across the festival site via a host of engaging and immersive pop-up appearances, including Bibliotherapy sessions with Ella Berthoud; Tarot readings by Canadian musician King Khan, connected to his project the Black Power Tarot; operatic interludes from Emma Nash; forest foraging walks with musician Peter Broderick; trad magic from The Fiddle Fair Sessions and many more surprises along the way.
Across the festival weekend a host of art installations will also be there to be discovered and enjoyed, from the walled gardens, to the woodland and lakeside. From immersive AV installations to digital screens and site specific pieces, artists presenting works include Aoife Dunne, Maser, Bishi and Alan Meredith. An immersive audio experience of Jon Hopkins’ album Music for Psychedelic Therapy will also feature, alongside the winning work for The Bulmers Art Bursary: ‘Siansaìn’ by Shantanu Starick is a new living artwork in celebration of Ireland’s wild bees.
Body & Soul’s expansive and acclaimed wellness space down by the lake is a dedicated area to escape to during the weekend. Featuring everything from wood fired saunas, to sound healing and tribal spirit drumming and an extensive array of treatments and holistic therapies to book, including seaweed baths, solstice meditation, biodynamic craniosacral therapy, deep tissue massage, lomilomi massage, kirtan and yoga.
Body & Soul, in collaboration with its principal circular festival partner, the European Recycling Platform and sustainability consultant Native Events, is moving further towards a sustainable and more circular festival model. The only Irish festival amongst 18 European festivals signed up to the Green Deal for Circular Festivals (GDCF), it aims to reduce its environmental impact and implement a sustainable festival model towards circularity by 2027. As well as hosting Ireland’s first Circular festival food court, serving delicious dishes on reusable handmade wooden boards, new initiatives for 2022 include the introduction of a reusable cup system, which will eliminate single use plastic and divert disposables from incineration; a 75% target for Leave No Trace camping; power reduction across the festival; natural toilets and upcycled and repurposed festival decor and signage.
Those training their taste buds for a weekend of gastronomy and libations will be greeted by the offer of culinary experiences such as First Tastes Picnics, available for blind date adventures across the weekend, and ‘3 Courses of Connection’, a Saturday evening menu, inviting people to come and eat in groups or sit with strangers, following a series of prompts to stimulate intriguing conversation. From craft cocktails to locally sourced and foraged ingredients, as well as a partnership with The Cork Urban Soil Project, further culinary highlights include Food on Board’s elevated circular food court, featuring free range brunch favourite Caitlin Ruth; Kilkenny’s contribution to Ireland’s exploding taqueria scene, Ixca; noodles of Vietnamese delights courtesy of Good Pho You; Fairmental’s Raw Food Bar, bringing together Kimchi and Pork Belly Bowls (cross your fingers for the oysters!); Olivia’s Yummy Raw Treats and Artisan Vegan Cakes; and exceptional toasties courtesy of Dingle’s Caìis.
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Niall Byrne is the founder of the most-influential Irish music site Nialler9, where he has been writing about music since 2005 . He is the co-host of the Nialler9 Podcast and has written for the Irish Times, Irish Independent, Cara Magazine, Sunday Times, Totally Dublin, Red Bull and more. Niall is a DJ, founder of Lumo Club, club promoter, event curator and producer of gigs, listening parties & events in Dublin.